Randy had his port surgery today. Getting it out. It started later than expected, but went well. He is home now and sore, but doing well. He does have some hair now. Hopefully we can get a picture up here soon.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Very thankful for Randy's recovery and that he can celebrate with his family and friends. Keep Rockin' Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
CT scan
The lung CT came back clear! - no traces of cancer in the lungs - HUGH sigh! Yeah! Still waiting on a few more test results.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:33 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tests Tomorrow
Please keep Randy and his family in your prayers. Thursday (tomorrow) he has important scans. They have not been up to Doernbecher for quite a while. I am sure this is a hard and stressful day. That is why we are asking for prayer for peace and good results. As I find out more on the results, I will post more.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
College and Beyond
It is great to hear that things are getting better everyday. Randy has started college classes at Chemeketa and enjoys it so far. He is gaining some weight and eating small meals every couple of hours. This is great news!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Randy is doing well. He is getting stronger everyday and eating a bit more each day. I believe he starts classes next week at Chemeketa. This will make his brain focus on something other than chemo and video games. And probably give him the much needed freedom, apart from the hovering nurses and doctors. Keep on Rockin' Randy - a new adventure awaits . . .
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:31 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
OUT and DONE!!!
Yeah Randy!!! He is done with chemo and out of the hospital. Send your comments of congratulations, call, write, text, etc. Celebrate! WAY TO GO RANDY!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
As of last night, Randy was doing good at the hospital, just waiting to clear the chemo out of his body. It was his last chemo and he is very happy about that. Tests will come in another month or so. School at Chemeketa will start and the end of this month. I will have to get the info on what he is studying, but I assume it is just the basics to get them out of the way.
Just got info that he is feeling good, still at the hospital and waiting to clear. He is playing video games and watching football. They are hoping to come home Monday or Tuesday.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Only one more
Randy was able to come home and relax. He will go up again on Thursday for his last chemo. Tests come soon - I believe. He says he is feeling great!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:14 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Second to Last
Randy is up at the hospital and about to start his second to last chemo. He is feeling good. Way to go Randy!!! This is amazing. Keep praying for him as the chemo is always hard on his body. He did take his placement exams yesterday and is getting ready for College to start.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Randy was finally able to come home. Chemo was originally scheduled for Monday, but the moved it to Thursday to give his body some much needed rest. YEAH that he gets to come home! Only 2 more chemos!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Still Too Low
Randy's counts are still too low for him to come home :( The are coming up but just a little. They will draw blood in the morning. His mouth sore is getting better. Please keep praying for him.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Counts are still low. He
Counts are still low. He is really tired but spirits are still up. He is getting blood today. They are asking for prayers.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Had to go back . . .
He just could not kick the fever, so they did have to go up to the hospital late last night. He was still in good spirits and cracking up the nurses in the ER. The did admit him to the hospital (Doernbecher). He will be getting some platelets and possibly be going home tomorrow as long as he does not get another fever. He is pretty run down, but hopefully that will improve after the platelets. You just never know when things are going to change. We are hoping he does get to come home to rest a bit before next Monday's chemo.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:32 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time off and Time away
Randy has been home for the last week and not expected to go up until next Monday. He has been enjoying his time at home with friends and playing video games. His blood counts are low and he does have a low grade fever, so hopefully he can fight this off without it getting too high and he can stay home. He will be taking some test for Chemeketa Community College sometime in the next 3 weeks.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Home again ...
Randy had a successful trip to the hospital which was shorter than usual. They got home this evening and Randy was able to eat some also. I am sure he is looking forward to a week and a half AWAY from the hospital. Let's hear it for the boy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Coming to the end . . .
Randy did get to come home this weekend for a little rest and relaxation. He is back up again for his next round of chemo. We hope for nothing eventful. Just get through it. Counting this round, only 3 rounds of chemo left. So, end of summer, means end of chemo. I know tests will come after that to determine what comes next. Please keep him in your prayers and keep encouraging him. You can do it Randy! Keep on Rockin'!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Feeling good
Randy is feeling good. He should be coming home tomorrow, so we will let you know.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Trying to clear
Randy is doing well. He did get a little sick yesterday, but feeling better throughout the day. He slept a lot during the day and is just waiting to clear the chemo. He got his rescue medicine last night so he should be feeling better today.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Feeling better and chemo
He is feeling better now. They gave him 2 pints of blood. He should be starting chemo again this afternoon. You can do it Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:11 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
At the hospital
Well, they did end up going up the Doernbecher last night for a blood test in the ER, they did have him stay because of low counts. They are supposed to start chemo again tomorrow so that might be up in the air. I will post more when I find out more. Send prayers and encouragment.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Randy did come home Friday and was doing well Friday night. Saturday he has been fighting a fever all day. Got up to 100.8 then back down, then up again. For us, we would not think twice about that temperature, but for a cancer patient they have to monitor more precise and careful. They are really hoping it will go down so they do not have to go back up to the hospital tonight. Please pray for him.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Home Tomorrow?
Randy is doing very well and still gaining weight, which I am sure helps give him strength. He possibly gets to come home tomorrow. They are on the count down for chemo sessions. I believe it is 4 more, correct me if I am wrong Randy. Yeah Randy! He encouraged me today by telling me the good news of the day is that he is alive! Thanks for putting things into perspective for me. I needed that, sometimes we all do. Keep on Rockin' Randy!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Randy is back up at Doernbecher for chemo starting this afternoon. He is feeling good and has spent a lot of time reading the Harry Potter series. I believe he just finished the last book. Any other suggestions? Any other questions for Randy, post in the comment section and we will try to get him to answer when he is feeling up to it.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:10 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
No news is good news
Randy has had this week off. I hear he is enjoying his time at home and reading lots. The rest of the family is busy with baseball and softball tournaments. I believe he is back up to the hospital on Monday for more chemo.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hospital Again
Randy went up to the hospital for his usual chemo on Monday. He is feeling good and spending time reading. They are looking forward to coming home on Wednesday as long as all goes well.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Baseball Games and tests
Randy warming up for his pitch.
Crater, Rachael and 3 little Randy and Lisa supporters
Entertainment - Rachel and the water balloon toss
Jonah and Jacob the winners!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Baseball Game TOMORROW!!!
Randy is still in the hospital, feeling pretty good. Just waiting for his chemo counts to go down a bit so he can GET OUT OF THERE!!! He is down enough to get a pass to go to the game, but if he is not all the way down, then he will have to go back up after the game. For those of you that do not know...
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
A few T-Shirts
Randy is back up getting chemo and trying to get cleared by Thursday's Volcanoes game. There are a few t-shirts left -- 3 smalls, 2 mediums, and 4 larges. XL should be available on Tuesday. Please let us know if you need some. If you would like a shirt, please leave your # or E-mail in the comments section and we will get a hold of you. :)
GREAT IDEA - wear a Rock on Randy or Hope for Lisa shirt on Thursday at the Volcanoes game!!! Hope to see you all there.
Just got a text from Lenette - Randy ate really well today, up some lbs before starting chemo this evening (which always makes him NOT eat). They are all looking forward to Thursday's game :)
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:35 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Home and feeling good
Randy got some visitors yesterday. That was very nice for him. Today he got to head home. He is feeling much better. I believe it will be out of the hospital until Monday.
Remember last day to buy Volcanoes Tickets for Thursday's game is TOMORROW!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Prayer and Make a Wish
Randy is getting some tests done and checking and comparing with results in a couple of weeks. Please be praying for the results. The chemo is hard on him, but they want it to be effective. It always puts him into a deep sleep for a few days, then he is back and up. That happened today --- he was talking and laughing and making jokes today. His dad, brother, and sister were able to come up to day for a quick visit. Rachel got to stay and play games with Lisa. She is such a sweetie and I am sure she is cheering everyone up. Randy was joking around with the Make a Wish people today, which makes me smile to hear that. I can't wait until we find out what he gets to do, but that will be months down the road. So exciting! Still hoping to make it to the Volcanoes game next week. Keep Rockin' Randy!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
In the hospital again
Randy had a great weekend with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July. It was very nice to have a whole week at home. He is back up at the hospital getting his meds. Lenette was treated with a special Olive Garden lunch for the cancer patients parents. What a treat - not hospital food. Randy is very tired and sleeping most of the time. She said he should bounce back after tonight when we gets a different type of medication. He will probably be there until Thursday or Friday. Then the same stuff happens again next week. He will have to get a pass to get out of the hospital for NEXT THURSDAY's VOLCANOES GAME!!! Please pray that Randy and Lisa both feel good enough to go to the game and throw the first pitches. It will be GREAT to see them both out there.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:25 PM 1 comments
Long time, no post
I have been out of town and only had a little contact with Randy. He did have to go into the hospital because of a fever, but has been our for a few days. I hope to get a better update today. Hope you all have your Volcanoes tickets for July 16th!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tickets Please ...

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Homeward Bound!
I am currently on my way home after finishing this most recent round of chemo. I am excited to get home and see my family and pets. I am looking forward to a peaceful couple of weeks at home, enjoying my time with friends and family.
Posted by Randy Bultena at 10:15 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
First off, this IS Randy speaking, for the first time on this blog as a matter of fact. Second, I have given the blog a few cosmetic changes which I believe both look nice and will make finding things a bit easier. The first of which are two slideshows. The first slideshow consists of pictures Beth took during my graduation and posted on that post, so now you don't have to dig through previous posts to find them. The second is an assortment of pictures from my 18th birthday, Prom, and other various events that I though you might enjoy. On both slideshows, simply click on any picture you wish to view larger and it should lead you to a page with a larger picture. I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for their kind and encouraging comments. I do read them all and they really help me get through the tough times. I also want to thank LEGO for their generous gifts and I promise to have some pictures of my ever-growing collection :) Finally, I would like to give a special thank you to Beth Tinseth. With out her help and generosity no one would know how I am doing or what events are coming up. So I now have made it identifiable which posts are hers and which posts are/will be mine
Thanks again,
Randy Bultena
Posted by Randy Bultena at 3:58 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gained 5 lbs. :)
Randy is back up getting chemo. For this stay he does not have to clear the chemo out of his body. As soon as he is done (48 hour drip) he can leave. So, far he has gained 5 lbs with extra supplements since last Thursday - YEAH!!! They are still giving him feedings, but lighter to see how he tolerates it while he is taking chemo. He is doing well. Sleeping more, but that is to be expected. Lenette says thanks for the prayers. Randy will get a MUCH deserved 2 week break from chemo after this stay. Hopefully the family can do some fun things together. This is the longest break he will most likely get this summer. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. And thanks for all the support! He really does appreciate it.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:27 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Randy is home today, back
Randy is home today, back up tomorrow.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lenette just called. Randy will be on an interview on KGW channel 8 in a few minutes. They are doing a fundraiser for Doernbecher. Hope you see it. We are trying to tape it.
Blessings to you!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:28 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Calories - yes!
Lenette just called and told me that Randy has been getting some calories since yesterday and over night. He started feeling better right away. I knew he was feeling better when he could joke with me and respond to texts. She said he woke up feeling so much better and having strength to stand, sit up, watch TV, talk, laugh, etc. Where Wednesday was a totally different guy. He still has not cleared to come home yet, but hopefully tomorrow - before the next round of chemo on Monday. He is out of isolation. The did not find an infection, but thought his complications were just due to so much antibiotics with little to no food. So happy to have Randy up and at 'em again. Keep Rockin' Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It may seem silly to most, but those of us that love Randy, this is good news. The doctors came late afternoon yesterday and said that Randy's leg looks great! He then got a nice shower and ate chicken nuggets. Yeah Randy! Keep eating -- keep Rockin! We all love you Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:17 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So sorry for the mix-up in communication. Randy is in isolation from the other kids at Doernbecher because they can not find out what is causing his complications. That means he can not go out of his room. Anyone that visits has to wash their hands before they go in and after you come out of his room, not to spread his germs with the other sick kids on his floor. He probably does not matter if he could go out of his room. He does not feel good enough to do much of anything. I did go up to visit, but the sweet boy just said "hi" then back to sleep. I talked a bit with Lenette, that was very nice. She said normally, most kids when they are on chemo, do not eat until they are not taking the chemo. The food makes them feel very sick and most throw it up a lot. So, Randy has not eaten much since Monday. He did eat some toast today and when I left, he had not thrown it up. That is good. He really needs to gain some weight. Lenette and I wish we could be as skinny as he is, but we wish Randy is not that skinny. Any ideas on how to fatten him up?
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Sorry for the scare. He
Sorry for the scare. He is doing ok. Not feeling good but NOT in ICU.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:36 PM 0 comments
He is NOT in the ICU. He is in isolation. He is on heavy antibiotics and really having a hard time keeping any food in him
More later
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 2:11 PM 0 comments
New update
Text from Lenette - says thank you for your prayers. He is doing ok, trying to eat some toast. Hopefully we can get some food in him today!
He is down in weight and having a hard time keeping food down.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Urgent Prayer Needed
Randy got moved to ICU. He is not doing well. Please pray for strength. The WHOLE family needs your prayers. I will try to update after a while. I will try to make it up to Portland this afternoon.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 1:09 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
In the hospital
Randy is up for another round of Chemo - the strong kind that almost always make him sick and get mouth sores. He is not feeling great, as expected. Last week, he got some Lego sets donated by the Lego company that heard of his trials. He is very grateful and looking forward to trying out the new sets as soon as he feels up to it. Please keep him in your prayers. Leave comments, e-mail, text, or whatever to encourage him.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:14 PM 2 comments
2 Current Fundraisers
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Graduation was Amazing!!!
They called his name and the crown exploded!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:04 PM 4 comments
Graduating Tonight!
What a day to graduate! Storm is a kickin' and Randy is graduating! He was able to make it out of the hospital with his levels ok to go to practice this morning. He was very excited to be there and see his friends. They are being great to him. He will be one of the last groups walking in tonight and they left a chair for him to sit while waiting. He is going to try to just use crutches. He was excited to be home, too. He will try to go to the Grad party, too and fun parties with friends this weekend! Can't wait to see the pictures and that great Randy smile!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Graduation Time
Just talked with Lenette. Randy is most likely getting out of the hospital tomorrow morning, then coming back to Salem to join in the Graduation practice. After that he can come back home, rehydrate, get medicine and some MUCH needed rest in his own bed. He can go to graduation. He is weak from not eating so he will most likely use a wheelchair for most of the time but try to walk across stage with crutches for the actual graduation. He can go back home to rest, then possibly make an appearance at the all night party before his energy is all gone. This weekend holds time for family and friends. If you want to visit, please call first to make sure he is not resting or if he is up to visitors or if he is even there :). He has to return back up to the hospital on Monday to start the chemo again. Please pray that the mouth sores will subside so he can eat without pain and regain some strength. He is excited about graduation, parties, friends and coming home. YEAH RANDY!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Still at the Hospital
Sad to hear that Randy is still at the hospital. Still has not cleared his counts. He does not know when they will check them again. He is not eating either. Mouth sores are too bad. Graduation is tomorrow so I know everything is up in the air. Keep up your prayers, good thoughts and comments for our sweet Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Please pray for Randy. He needs your prayers and encouragment today!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:37 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Volcanoes Tickets - 2 locations now
for Randy Bultena and Lisa Harder
Thursday, July 16th
Tickets are now on sale
at Bumble's Botique
525 Taggart Dr. in the West Gate Shopping Center off Wallace Rd.
AND Copy Cats on Edgewater
Each ticket holder will get a Volcanoes Baseball
Randy and Lisa will get to throw the first pitches
and a Volcanoes Jersey.
Please come support them this special night
Get it on your calendar!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Pretty Good
Short and sweet - got a text from Randy last night that said he is feeling "pretty good". He goes up to Doernbecher for more chemo today. Be praying he gets through this and gains some strength so he can attend next week's graduation.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Transfusion today
Randy did have to go up to Doernbecher to get a blood transfusion. His red blood counts were very low. So, this should help. The family is living day by day. Never knowing what will come next. Wednesday should be a day of rest, then back up to Doernbecher for chemo on Thursday. That is good that he is able to stay on track with his chemo, so he can most likely go to his graduation next week. Please keep the whole Bultena family in your prayers as they all go through so much. Keep on Rockin' Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tough Week
Randy has had a rough week. He has been battling fever, low blood counts and mouth sores all week. The mouth sores make him not want to eat. He down to 115 lbs. Saturday night he spiked a temperature of 104 - which of course is really NOT good for a cancer patient. He had to go up to Doernbecher to get some different antibiotics (remember he is still on some other antibiotics for a while now). They returned home around 5 AM. With his blood counts so low, he is so tired. They are considering a blood transfusion tomorrow. It is about a 3 hour procedure and would like to do it in Salem, as that would avoid the travel to Portland. The blood transfusion should help with his counts, which would help with his mouth sores and help him to be more alert. The family is tired and exhausted. Please keep them in your prayers. Chemo is pending for Thursday, depending on his blood counts and what they can find of an infection tomorrow. If his chemo is delayed, then he will probably miss his graduation on June 5th. I know he really wants to attend. Keep your encouragement coming for Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Volcanoes Game Fundraiser Tickets
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Concert
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Ready to Rock
Randy got his blood counts yesterday and they are good enough to go to the concert. He is not feeling up to playing at the concert- bummer - but he is looking forward to watching and enjoying as long as he can, still pretty tired and sore. Please come join him and support him at the benefit concert tonight. Info on the concert in post below.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rock On Randy Benefit Concert
May 15th at 5 pm - midnight
at the Northwest Kids Club
located on Hawthorne Ave. behind the Newport Bay restaurant
There will be BBQ and refreshments for sale to benefit the cause also.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:28 PM 0 comments
I was able to see Randy's senior pictures today - WOW -- what a handsome guy!!!
The family wants to say a big thank you to Bob Palmer at Palmers Photography Studio. He donated a HUGE chunk of Randy's fees for the senior pictures. That really helps out during this hard time in their lives. The pictures are fantastic. They were taken last fall before they even knew of his cancer. He had a FULL head of hair with some curls on the end. I don't know if we will be able to put some pics on here.
Also a big thanks to Michelle at the Shell station here in West Salem. They put a change jar out for Randy and Lisa. It was stolen a few weeks ago by a guy. He was video taped and returned later to turn in the change money for dollar bills - Hmmm - not thinking too much. He was caught. Lenette thinks his punishment should be to spend some hours of community service at the cancer ward at Doernbecher's. It could change his life. The Shell station had to take down the jar. :(
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Randy was able to get home tonight. He is pretty tired and still on pain killers, but he is doing OK. A nurse is coming over tonight to help Lenette learn how to put in the antibiotics. He has to do this a few times a day. Keep praying for him as he is trying to heal from both his surgeries.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
New Hotel (Hospital) Room
Randy is now back at Doernbecker. The doctors have said his flaps are responding well. That means that where his stomach muscle and his leg where they took the skin off are doing ok. When he first had the surgery, they said the skin graft would be hurting pretty much, but Randy says the stomach muscles are really the hurting spot. He said it feels like he did 1000 crunches. Randy's cultures came back all positive for an infection :( He said is it a pesky slow infection, which is better than a dangerous infection. BUT, because he has an infection, then he has to have an IV antibiotics twice a day for about an hour each time. That is a bummer because he can't get around very much. He is really having a hard time getting up at all. Even sitting up in his bed is really hard. He said he has been in his bed for 5 days without moving very much.
He does not have a cast on anymore. They will put on a removable boot or brace on his leg, so they can check the area better. He has been watching a lot of TV - whatever is on. Anyone have some good suggestions?
Chemo is starting tomorrow, then will be on it for 48 hours. Then if his counts are doing ok, then he can go home for a few days before they start the next round.
There is the Rock on Randy Benefit Concert next Friday - He hopes to go. Maybe Randy and his dad Rick can play together. I am still not completely sure of the price. If anyone knows, please leave it in the comments section for everyone to read.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
His recovery is coming along ok. They did get to see his toes pink up a little, which is good news for blood flow. He is still on a lot of pain meds and very tired. Lenette came home last night just long enough to grab the other car and go back up. She needed another car up there so she can make runs to taco bell when Randy feels like eating something. He needs his strength up to start chemo on Friday. She said as long as things go well, he might get to come home Sunday - on Mother's Day!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Today's surgery
Randy had to be up at OHSU at 6 AM to see if he would need to have the surgery. The doctors checked out his leg and found some of skin is still dead. So, he had to have more surgery. He started surgery around noon. Before he started, he had some "happy juice" and Randy was pretty funny with his parents and the nurses. During the surgery, they took some muscles from his stomach and put it in his leg. They also took some skin from his thigh and put it on in where the skin was dead around his leg. They were able to clean out the prior surgery area and clean out blood clots. The surgery was around 4 1/2 hours. The skin graft should be the most painful part of recovery. He will spend the next 4 days at OHSU because the nurses have more information for the recovery of this particular surgery. Then he will move back to Doernbecher to start chemo on Friday. Most likely he will not get to come home this week. The family has asked for specific prayer that there is NO infection and that there continues to be a good blood flow in the new skin graft and new muscle placement. The nurses will be closely monitoring the blood flow. Randy still had a good attitude going into the surgery as he just wants to get done what needs to be done to Kick This Cancer! Possibly an update later...
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:48 PM 2 comments
He did have surgery today.
He did have surgery today. He is in recovery. Will update more when my computer works.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Rock On Randy Benefit Concert
2. Mumbling Threats
4. Cloud Nine
5. Electric Secretary
6. Paper Boats
7. The Navy
8. Ambulance Party
9. Sorceress
10. Sister Ray
This Benefit is to help 18 year old Randy Bultena and his family as he has been diagnosed with osteo sarcoma just above his ankle, which includes reconstructive surgery and up to ten years of follow up treatment.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Surgery is planned for Monday morning. When they go up to meet with the doctor, they will make a decision about his leg. Please pray for healing this weekend. We really do NOT want Randy to have another surgery. He has about a 50/50 chance of healing or having surgery.
He also told me that his leg has a new cast - black with red stripes to support the Blazers. Too bad they lost tonight!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pathology and Chemo update
Some GREAT and not so great news...
Fantastic news - Randy's pathology report came back - the tumor they took out of his ankle was around 90% dead. 90% is the cut off for good response. They are happy with that. Some other kids have been getting 30% and 60% lately. Randy's friend Lisa got her report back today and hers was 95% dead. YEAH for Randy and Lisa!!!
Not so great news - They have postponed Randy next chemo round that was supposed to start tomorrow until possibly next week. The doctors have been concerned about a few black spots on his leg. It could be dead skin, which would mean a new surgery Monday. They will decide that on Monday at the appointment. Surgery could cause an infection, which could cause an amputation. So, PLEASE PRAY that the spots get better by Monday!
If they do not do the surgery Monday, then chemo will start early next week sometime.
The Bultena family has so much going on with Randy's cancer, Robbie's baseball, Rachel's track, and all the Senior stuff and graduation coming up. Let's hope Randy is on a good schedule to be able to walk at Graduation and enjoy all the festivities.
There are some more fundraisers coming up QUICK - as soon as I get the info I will get it up here.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Senior Prom

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Figaro's Pizza Fundraiser, Randy at home, AND Volcanoes Game!

Shown in pictures, Lisa Harder and her family. And the Figaro’s Figgy presenting check for $4,100.
We, at Figaro’s, wish Lisa and Randy all the best in their recovery.

Randy had to go up to the hospital that day because of the fever.

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Randy is still up at the hospital, playing with Legos. He got a Star Wars lego set from mom. I can not WAIT to see the pictures. Randy gets to come home tomorrow. Before he gets to go home, they will decide on weather or not he must have another surgery. His leg is still swollen and bruised. There are also blisters on his skin, which I guess is common for bone trauma, which he has had PLENTY of. He will get his black cast tomorrow and get to go to Prom on Saturday. Then he has to go back up to the hospital on Monday for a re-check or plans for surgery. We will find out tomorrow.
Another fundraiser -- Volcanoes Game -- July 16th -- More info to come soon!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:58 PM 1 comments
Figaro's fundraiser
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I love the beach and camping in the mountains. Outdoor activities are just simply one of my favorite things. And as for riding things, I usually ride dirt bikes or quads at the property we own in the mountains.
I would like to become a doctor, I may even become an Oncologist now that I have been through all this.
And we do not need anything, thank you. :)
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:26 PM 1 comments
More waiting and Send more Questions for Randy
He is still up at the hospital just waiting. The blue part on his leg got smaller and looks better, which is good. Unfortunatly they still have not found the cause of the fever.
Please keep sending questions for Randy to answer. I will tell him to answer soon.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Questions for Randy
While he is waiting and resting at the hospital, let's give Randy some work. Who has a question for Randy? What is it like? What do you do all day? How much do you weigh now? Etc. Leave your questions in the comment section OR email me (his former 1st grade teacher) at TinsethFamily@msn.com. Let's keep him busy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:42 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fever Down
Got word this morning that Randy is feeling great and his fever is down. He got good rest last night so he was up early. I am sure he will dose off during the day though. His blood cultures came back and it said that there was NO INFECTION. That is great! The doctors are still watching that spot on his leg.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oooew Gross or Cool!
These are the responses from a 7 year old and a 9 year old boy. So, instead of posting the picture of Randy's leg after surgery, we decided to post a link to the picture. Click on it if you dare.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:37 PM 1 comments
He has to stay up
He has to stay up there a few days to find out for sure.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:45 PM 0 comments
The surgeon came in and
The surgeon came in and said it looked like it was not an infection but possibly dead skin which may need a skin graft.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Overnight Stay
Randy has to stay overnight at the hospital tonight. They drew some blood and checked for an infection. The blood counts came back at 14,500 white blood cells - very good. So that makes the chances of an infection decrease. They also said it could be a blood clot below his knee. He said a blood clot would be better than an infection. They also checked out his foot, so they had to take the cast off. Randy got to take a picture of his foot and the scar. Maybe I can get this up here. Maybe an x-ray also soon to see all the pins and plates, etc. I hope to update more when he calls back again.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Please Pray!
Randy had a very hard night last night. He spiked a fever of 100.6 the he was able to fight it off back down to 99.2. But at 4 AM it went back up to 101.5 (remember 100.5 is not good for a cancer patient), then all the way up to 101.8. Now they have to go back up to Doernbechers by 8 AM today. However, he only had limited pain, so that is good. He is really bummed that he has to go back up. The other area of concern is his shallow breathing, which may have caused the fever. Please pray that the fever subsides and he is able to come back home!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:05 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday Update
Randy had a rough night last night. Commonly after surgery, people get fevers from not using their lungs enough. Randy got one yesterday, so he was put on benadryl to make sure he has no reaction before they gave him a blood transfusion. His transfusion had 2 units of blood. He is still is quite a bit of pain at times, but they have a regular pain medication schedule every 3 hours for one medicine and every 12 for the other. He was able to get the fever down and was able to go home! Randy is having to use a breathing apparatus to use a few times a day to strengthen his lungs and keep the fever away. He is now home, trying to relax, eat, and work through the pain. He gets his black cast on Friday and at that time the doctors will check the site, etc.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday update
Randy called and loved the video the boys made. He also said he would not be able to come home today. He is still trying to manage the pain. At some times in the day he has a lot of pain and other times, it's not so bad. He did have physical therapy today and he got all the points checked off that he needed to at this time. Way to go Randy! He is hoping to come home tomorrow.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
To Make You Smile
A tribute to Randy while he is recovering from his surgery.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Friday Update
The doctors are pleased with the outcome of the surgery. He said it took a little longer than expected, but it was because they were able to save some nerves and tendons. The doctor was able to get all the cancer out and get a good margin around it. Give glory to God that Randy is able to move his toes and have some feeling in his foot. He will be able to use his foot which is a definite blessing. He did have physical therapy today which caused some expected pain. They took the block off this afternoon and are now trying to regulate the pain with meds. If he can tolerate the pain well enough, then he can come home tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for him with this big transition in his life. Also, the pathology report should come back in a week or week and a half to tell how the chemo affected the cancer. We are looking for a 95% kill rate or more to know how affective the chemo was. This report will affect his next treatment.
He still plans on going the the Prom next weekend after he gets his new black cast to match his tux. His date said she would push him around in a wheelchair if he needs it.
Check back to see if he gets to come home tomorrow!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Update #5
I got the privilege to talk to the man - himself, Randy. I was shocked to get a call from him and not his mom. He said he is doing well. Of course, he could not feel anything from his knee down. When he started waking up from the surgery, he asked if he still had his leg. It was covered up, so he could not see it, and he could not feel it because of the pain blocker. They told him "yes", but he still was not sure. He thought maybe they were waiting for the doctor to tell him that they had to amputate it. So, he asked again. They asked if he wanted to see it, he said yes, so they uncovered it for him. YEAH - his leg is still there! Also, bonus news that he may still have feeling in the bottom of his foot and he may have movement of his toes (well, don't count the big toe, it is a good sacrifice to save the rest) Even though he feels ok now, the block should be wearing off in the next few hours, a little at a time. So, I hope tonight is ok for him and the pain meds work ok. He said they will get him up walking soon, not sure if it is tonight or most likely tomorrow. They need him to do certain things before they will release him. I can't believe that it could be Saturday. WOW!!!
p.s. Don't forget to buy pizza from Figaro's in Salem or Keizer on THIS Monday, April 20th - 50% of profits go to Hope for Harder and Rock on Randy cancer funds. If you want to check on Lisa Harder's status (she had big surgery this week, too) check her blog http://www.lisaharder.blogspot.com/
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:57 PM 0 comments
He might keep mobility in
He might keep mobility in all but his big toe. Randy might get to come home SATURDAY! More later after they get to see him.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:13 PM 3 comments
Out of surgery. GREAT day.
Out of surgery. GREAT day. They saved the tendon so he might have feeling in the bottom of his foot.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Update #2
I am sure we have all been on pins and needles ... Randy is still in surgery. He is doing well. They got the cancer out with a clear margin around the cancer (GREAT NEWS - No amputation!) They are now putting in the new bone, plates and screws. It should be another hour or hour and a half. Thank you God! She asked that you keep praying for him though.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Update #1
Just got a call from Lenette - This is it! He got all his ports put in and he had his "Happy Juice" and he was just taken back to surgery. She said he was funny and happy (probably due to the "happy juice") and he was ready to go back and get this taken care of. They have all had an emotional morning. Keep praying for them all. Today is a beautiful day to GET RID OF THE CANCER!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
New Schedule
Not much change, but the Bultena's must arrive at 8 AM at the hospital and the surgery will start about 11 AM. Lenette said she will let me know how the surgery is going on about every 2 hours or so. So, keep watching the blog. I will get it up as soon as I can.
Randy was able to go to Robbie's Varsity Baseball game rooting on the West Salem Titans. They won by one run. Robbie got to play 2nd base and hit some good balls. Randy looked good and chatted with many people. Rachel was busy entertaining all the little kids (including my 3 boys). Rick and Lenette looked good as well. I know tomorrow will be a hard day for them, so please keep them in your prayers.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 9:01 PM 0 comments
I was able to stop by for a minute yesterday and see Randy and his sister Rachel. The rest of the family was at Robbie's baseball game. Randy hopes to make it to the game today if he is feeling up to it, and the weather isn't too bad. He said he was feeling good and he looked good, too. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes into surgery tomorrow morning. The arrive for pre-surgery about 7:30 AM and they are thinking around 9:30 to go into surgery. It should be a 4 - 5 hour sugery, then a few hours in recovery. The plan is to stay at OHSU for about a week for recovery and rehab. Lenette will update me when she can, and I will get the info on here so everyone can know.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy 18th Birthday Randy

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Big Meeting, Surgery, Fundraisers and Birthday
Randy Bultena
1979 Mikkelobe Pl. NW
Salem, OR 97304
Meeting and Surgery - Randy had a choice between an amputation below his knee or to take the tumor out, and fuse the ankle to his Fibula bone with 12 cm of a cadaver bone. He chose to have the tumor out and fuse the ankle. This choice will cause complications, most likely to limit his movement to only side to side, but will be able to walk on uneven surfaces, loss of feeling in the bottom of his foot, loss of a vein and tendon. He will most likely have a skin graft on his thigh, which I guess is very painful as it heals. This is all depending on what they find in the surgery. They need to get the tumor out, and have a clean margin around the tumor. If there is more complications during the surgery, they will choose to amputate his leg - knee down. They could even go for that choice later on after the surgery, if things were not going well for him.
It should be a 4-5 hour surgery, which is long and complicated. With pre and post surgery, it should be about 6-8 hours. They are doing it at OHSU and now that he is turning 18, he will be treated like an adult. No more babying him at Doernbecher. When they need to do something with him, they will wake him up, and do it. At Doernbecher, they come back later when he was not sleeping. They can be strict with him, but his mommy can still baby him :)
After the surgery, things keep going. They will take the tumor to pathology and see how chemo affected it. He should spend about a week in recovery, then 2 weeks healing at home. Then it is back to chemo. The healing from surgery will be slowed because of chemo and will probably be about 1 year. He is also planning of going to the Prom on April 25th with a black cast to match his tux - how cool is that?
He is feeling ok right now. Earlier in the week he was fighting a fever for a few days. They found out is was a few ingrown toenails. He is on antibiotics to fight that infection and want to keep him clear until surgery. He does have some mouth sores which make it hard to eat. He needs to gain some weight. So, whenever he feels like eating anything, his family gets him whatever he wants - tonight is was a pepperoni pizza from Walery's.
His CT and bone scan showed no other cancer in his body. They did have a scare though, when they looked at the scan, Rick saw a bright spot on his chest, usually caused by the liquid they put in him to check for masses. They had to re-check the scan, but the doctors called today and confirmed that it was just a spill of the liquid on the outside of his chest and it only showed up on the front scan and not the back. So, his lungs and other bones are clear - GOOD!!!
Now fundraisers: Not sure if I have all the info, but I will try:
Friday, May 15th -
Northwest Kids Club off Hawthorn in Salem
Benefit Concert (11 bands appearing)
5:00-11:30 pm
BBQ,beverages a night full of music and more
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:49 PM 3 comments
Test Results to come, Still Fever
Randy was still fighting a fever yesterday, but as of last night is was going down a little. They did get to have the bone scan, meet with the oncologist and test his Methotrexate levels. What Randy said was not very specific, so I will hopefully have more info later. He said "The appointment was fine, Nothing major. All scans are good!" Today is the appointment with the surgeon to discuss the upcoming surgery. I know they are looking to see if the cancer has spread, and to check for shrinkage on the tumor. I am SURE there is more.
Also, more fundraisers to come - exciting stuff. Cancer treatment is expensive, so anyway you can help out, please do!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tests, Scans, and Fever - Oh My!
Randy may be home, but there is always something going on. Last night he had a fever 100.4 - normally, we would not think too much of that for a healthy person, just take some ibuprofen and go to bed. But they have to watch it carefully. I believe Lenette told me that 100.5 means that he has to go back up the hospital. He was able to fight it off last night. His counts are high, so that is good news. He DID have to go to the hospital today for a bone scan and meet with his oncologist and test his Methotrexate levels (sorry I don't know what that is), maybe Randy or Lenette could explain it for us. Tomorrow is the meeting with the surgeon. I hope to be able to post GREAT NEWS from the meeting. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Home Again
Randy got to head home this morning! What a beautiful day to go home.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rock on Randy T-Shirts

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:44 PM 2 comments