Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tickets Please ...

Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Homeward Bound!
I am currently on my way home after finishing this most recent round of chemo. I am excited to get home and see my family and pets. I am looking forward to a peaceful couple of weeks at home, enjoying my time with friends and family.
Posted by Randy Bultena at 10:15 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
First off, this IS Randy speaking, for the first time on this blog as a matter of fact. Second, I have given the blog a few cosmetic changes which I believe both look nice and will make finding things a bit easier. The first of which are two slideshows. The first slideshow consists of pictures Beth took during my graduation and posted on that post, so now you don't have to dig through previous posts to find them. The second is an assortment of pictures from my 18th birthday, Prom, and other various events that I though you might enjoy. On both slideshows, simply click on any picture you wish to view larger and it should lead you to a page with a larger picture. I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for their kind and encouraging comments. I do read them all and they really help me get through the tough times. I also want to thank LEGO for their generous gifts and I promise to have some pictures of my ever-growing collection :) Finally, I would like to give a special thank you to Beth Tinseth. With out her help and generosity no one would know how I am doing or what events are coming up. So I now have made it identifiable which posts are hers and which posts are/will be mine
Thanks again,
Randy Bultena
Posted by Randy Bultena at 3:58 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gained 5 lbs. :)
Randy is back up getting chemo. For this stay he does not have to clear the chemo out of his body. As soon as he is done (48 hour drip) he can leave. So, far he has gained 5 lbs with extra supplements since last Thursday - YEAH!!! They are still giving him feedings, but lighter to see how he tolerates it while he is taking chemo. He is doing well. Sleeping more, but that is to be expected. Lenette says thanks for the prayers. Randy will get a MUCH deserved 2 week break from chemo after this stay. Hopefully the family can do some fun things together. This is the longest break he will most likely get this summer. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. And thanks for all the support! He really does appreciate it.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:27 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Randy is home today, back
Randy is home today, back up tomorrow.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lenette just called. Randy will be on an interview on KGW channel 8 in a few minutes. They are doing a fundraiser for Doernbecher. Hope you see it. We are trying to tape it.
Blessings to you!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:28 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Calories - yes!
Lenette just called and told me that Randy has been getting some calories since yesterday and over night. He started feeling better right away. I knew he was feeling better when he could joke with me and respond to texts. She said he woke up feeling so much better and having strength to stand, sit up, watch TV, talk, laugh, etc. Where Wednesday was a totally different guy. He still has not cleared to come home yet, but hopefully tomorrow - before the next round of chemo on Monday. He is out of isolation. The did not find an infection, but thought his complications were just due to so much antibiotics with little to no food. So happy to have Randy up and at 'em again. Keep Rockin' Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It may seem silly to most, but those of us that love Randy, this is good news. The doctors came late afternoon yesterday and said that Randy's leg looks great! He then got a nice shower and ate chicken nuggets. Yeah Randy! Keep eating -- keep Rockin! We all love you Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 6:17 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So sorry for the mix-up in communication. Randy is in isolation from the other kids at Doernbecher because they can not find out what is causing his complications. That means he can not go out of his room. Anyone that visits has to wash their hands before they go in and after you come out of his room, not to spread his germs with the other sick kids on his floor. He probably does not matter if he could go out of his room. He does not feel good enough to do much of anything. I did go up to visit, but the sweet boy just said "hi" then back to sleep. I talked a bit with Lenette, that was very nice. She said normally, most kids when they are on chemo, do not eat until they are not taking the chemo. The food makes them feel very sick and most throw it up a lot. So, Randy has not eaten much since Monday. He did eat some toast today and when I left, he had not thrown it up. That is good. He really needs to gain some weight. Lenette and I wish we could be as skinny as he is, but we wish Randy is not that skinny. Any ideas on how to fatten him up?
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Sorry for the scare. He
Sorry for the scare. He is doing ok. Not feeling good but NOT in ICU.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:36 PM 0 comments
He is NOT in the ICU. He is in isolation. He is on heavy antibiotics and really having a hard time keeping any food in him
More later
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 2:11 PM 0 comments
New update
Text from Lenette - says thank you for your prayers. He is doing ok, trying to eat some toast. Hopefully we can get some food in him today!
He is down in weight and having a hard time keeping food down.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Urgent Prayer Needed
Randy got moved to ICU. He is not doing well. Please pray for strength. The WHOLE family needs your prayers. I will try to update after a while. I will try to make it up to Portland this afternoon.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 1:09 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
In the hospital
Randy is up for another round of Chemo - the strong kind that almost always make him sick and get mouth sores. He is not feeling great, as expected. Last week, he got some Lego sets donated by the Lego company that heard of his trials. He is very grateful and looking forward to trying out the new sets as soon as he feels up to it. Please keep him in your prayers. Leave comments, e-mail, text, or whatever to encourage him.
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:14 PM 2 comments
2 Current Fundraisers
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Graduation was Amazing!!!
They called his name and the crown exploded!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 10:04 PM 4 comments
Graduating Tonight!
What a day to graduate! Storm is a kickin' and Randy is graduating! He was able to make it out of the hospital with his levels ok to go to practice this morning. He was very excited to be there and see his friends. They are being great to him. He will be one of the last groups walking in tonight and they left a chair for him to sit while waiting. He is going to try to just use crutches. He was excited to be home, too. He will try to go to the Grad party, too and fun parties with friends this weekend! Can't wait to see the pictures and that great Randy smile!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Graduation Time
Just talked with Lenette. Randy is most likely getting out of the hospital tomorrow morning, then coming back to Salem to join in the Graduation practice. After that he can come back home, rehydrate, get medicine and some MUCH needed rest in his own bed. He can go to graduation. He is weak from not eating so he will most likely use a wheelchair for most of the time but try to walk across stage with crutches for the actual graduation. He can go back home to rest, then possibly make an appearance at the all night party before his energy is all gone. This weekend holds time for family and friends. If you want to visit, please call first to make sure he is not resting or if he is up to visitors or if he is even there :). He has to return back up to the hospital on Monday to start the chemo again. Please pray that the mouth sores will subside so he can eat without pain and regain some strength. He is excited about graduation, parties, friends and coming home. YEAH RANDY!!!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Still at the Hospital
Sad to hear that Randy is still at the hospital. Still has not cleared his counts. He does not know when they will check them again. He is not eating either. Mouth sores are too bad. Graduation is tomorrow so I know everything is up in the air. Keep up your prayers, good thoughts and comments for our sweet Randy!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Please pray for Randy. He needs your prayers and encouragment today!
Posted by Beth Tinseth at 11:37 AM 5 comments