
Saturday, August 29, 2009


Randy was finally able to come home. Chemo was originally scheduled for Monday, but the moved it to Thursday to give his body some much needed rest. YEAH that he gets to come home! Only 2 more chemos!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Still Too Low

Randy's counts are still too low for him to come home :( The are coming up but just a little. They will draw blood in the morning. His mouth sore is getting better. Please keep praying for him.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Counts are still low. He

Counts are still low. He is really tired but spirits are still up. He is getting blood today. They are asking for prayers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Had to go back . . .

He just could not kick the fever, so they did have to go up to the hospital late last night. He was still in good spirits and cracking up the nurses in the ER. The did admit him to the hospital (Doernbecher). He will be getting some platelets and possibly be going home tomorrow as long as he does not get another fever. He is pretty run down, but hopefully that will improve after the platelets. You just never know when things are going to change. We are hoping he does get to come home to rest a bit before next Monday's chemo.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time off and Time away

Randy has been home for the last week and not expected to go up until next Monday. He has been enjoying his time at home with friends and playing video games. His blood counts are low and he does have a low grade fever, so hopefully he can fight this off without it getting too high and he can stay home. He will be taking some test for Chemeketa Community College sometime in the next 3 weeks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home again ...

Randy had a successful trip to the hospital which was shorter than usual. They got home this evening and Randy was able to eat some also. I am sure he is looking forward to a week and a half AWAY from the hospital. Let's hear it for the boy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Coming to the end . . .

Randy did get to come home this weekend for a little rest and relaxation. He is back up again for his next round of chemo. We hope for nothing eventful. Just get through it. Counting this round, only 3 rounds of chemo left. So, end of summer, means end of chemo. I know tests will come after that to determine what comes next. Please keep him in your prayers and keep encouraging him. You can do it Randy! Keep on Rockin'!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Feeling good

Randy is feeling good. He should be coming home tomorrow, so we will let you know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trying to clear

Randy is doing well. He did get a little sick yesterday, but feeling better throughout the day. He slept a lot during the day and is just waiting to clear the chemo. He got his rescue medicine last night so he should be feeling better today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Feeling better and chemo

He is feeling better now. They gave him 2 pints of blood. He should be starting chemo again this afternoon. You can do it Randy!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

At the hospital

Well, they did end up going up the Doernbecher last night for a blood test in the ER, they did have him stay because of low counts. They are supposed to start chemo again tomorrow so that might be up in the air. I will post more when I find out more. Send prayers and encouragment.


Randy did come home Friday and was doing well Friday night. Saturday he has been fighting a fever all day. Got up to 100.8 then back down, then up again. For us, we would not think twice about that temperature, but for a cancer patient they have to monitor more precise and careful. They are really hoping it will go down so they do not have to go back up to the hospital tonight. Please pray for him.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Home Tomorrow?

Randy is doing very well and still gaining weight, which I am sure helps give him strength. He possibly gets to come home tomorrow. They are on the count down for chemo sessions. I believe it is 4 more, correct me if I am wrong Randy. Yeah Randy! He encouraged me today by telling me the good news of the day is that he is alive! Thanks for putting things into perspective for me. I needed that, sometimes we all do. Keep on Rockin' Randy!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Randy is back up at Doernbecher for chemo starting this afternoon. He is feeling good and has spent a lot of time reading the Harry Potter series. I believe he just finished the last book. Any other suggestions? Any other questions for Randy, post in the comment section and we will try to get him to answer when he is feeling up to it.