
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Feeling good - working with the pain

I was able to talk to Randy this evening on the phone.  He sounds good.  He wanted to tell you all thank you for praying and supporting him.  He is doing well and his doctors told him he is doing well also.  They were able to get all the tumors out of the left lung, but will need to do the surgery again for the right lung in a week or two.  They did take him off the epidural today but it is a balancing act to get the right amount of medication to balance the pain vs. blood pressure issues.  He said the worst part was just what he expected - the cracking of the ribs.  That is the most painful part right now.  He wanted to talk, but it was getting painful, so I told him to STOP TALKING and get some rest.  He reminded me that he is happy and well.  What a trooper!  Keep on Rockin' Randy!