
Monday, March 30, 2009

Still at the hospital

Just talked with Randy's mother Lenette, she said Randy is doing ok. They are waiting to hear if his chemo level is down enough to get to go home for 1 day. They should find out tomorrow. His dad is coming up tonight to be with him. Blessings that his work will let him off for a day to spend with his son at the hospital. Randy has been very tired and sleeping a lot. He will start up the chemo session again on Thursday and the tests and scans are on Thursday as well. They will find out the results next week on Wednesday the 8th. Also, Randy's 18th birthday is coming up on April 10th. Lenette said he should be home for that. They are planning on doing something special for him. Please keep him in mind and maybe send a special e-mail or card that day. Surgery is still tentative for mid-April. And the pizza fundraiser is still on for the 20th. Please tell EVERYONE you know to order a pizza from Figaro's that night - 50% profit to Randy and Lisa's cancer accounts. WOW!!!