
Monday, April 20, 2009

Please Pray!

Randy had a very hard night last night. He spiked a fever of 100.6 the he was able to fight it off back down to 99.2. But at 4 AM it went back up to 101.5 (remember 100.5 is not good for a cancer patient), then all the way up to 101.8. Now they have to go back up to Doernbechers by 8 AM today. However, he only had limited pain, so that is good. He is really bummed that he has to go back up. The other area of concern is his shallow breathing, which may have caused the fever. Please pray that the fever subsides and he is able to come back home!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. There are quite a few us out here reading every word.

Praying and pizza today...

Dan & Jodi Sherwood