
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Graduation Time

Just talked with Lenette. Randy is most likely getting out of the hospital tomorrow morning, then coming back to Salem to join in the Graduation practice. After that he can come back home, rehydrate, get medicine and some MUCH needed rest in his own bed. He can go to graduation. He is weak from not eating so he will most likely use a wheelchair for most of the time but try to walk across stage with crutches for the actual graduation. He can go back home to rest, then possibly make an appearance at the all night party before his energy is all gone. This weekend holds time for family and friends. If you want to visit, please call first to make sure he is not resting or if he is up to visitors or if he is even there :). He has to return back up to the hospital on Monday to start the chemo again. Please pray that the mouth sores will subside so he can eat without pain and regain some strength. He is excited about graduation, parties, friends and coming home. YEAH RANDY!!!